Canberra Region Tourism Leaders Forum
The Canberra Region Tourism Leaders Forum is a not-for-profit body advocating for the ACT tourism and associated industry sectors in the National Capital and surrounding Canberra Region. The 24 members meet monthly.
What we do
Represent and advocate for the ACT tourism and associated industry sectors in the National Capital and across the wider Canberra Region
Develop strong partnerships with all those organisations working within the tourism and related sectors in the ACT and surrounding region.
Act as a think tank and policy generator
Bring together the influencers and drivers of our tourism and related sector industry bodies with the aim of growing the ACT and region visitor economy.
Raise the profile of the tourism industry and associated sectors across the ACT and Region
Liaise on an ongoing basis with ACT, NSW and Federal politicians relevant to the tourism sector and responsible for growing the visitor economy.
How do we do this
Respond to ACT and Federal policy and strategy papers requiring input from the industry.
Represent the industry at forums and meetings convened by all levels of government and the private sector when required.
Meet and brief ACT Members of the Legislative Assembly and NSW and Federal politicians on issues relating to the sectors we represent.
Continue to convene the Canberra Region Tourism Advisory Forums
Meet with ACT industry leaders and operators on an ongoing basis.
Establish effective communication with Destination Southern NSW and key members and operators of the industry in the region.
Be available to respond to media enquiries and continue to raise the public profile of our industry at every opportunity.
How we measure our achievements
The ACT Government calls on the Leaders Forum to represent our industry sectors on a number of business forums
We are invited to private sector forums and meetings to represent the industries we serve
We have developed strong relationships with the leaders and operators of all sectors we represent
We are frequently called upon by the media to commentate on tourism industry matters
The Tourism Advisory Forum continues to grow in membership and attendance and each month attracts outstanding speakers.
Our Members
The Leaders Forum represents a range of sectors including tourism, hospitality, business, attractions, aviation, sports, education, arts and culture.
Dr David Marshall AM
Canberra Region Tourism Leaders Forum
Jo White
Director Questacon
Chris Garfield
General Manager Australian Hotels Association (ACT)
Jonathan Kobus
Director Visit Canberra
Gordon Ramsay
CEO Cultural Facilities Corporation
Olivia Thornton
CEO Cricket ACT representing the Coalition of Major Sports (COMPS) ACT
Richard Everson
Destination Southern New South Wales
Michael Milton
Australian Paralympic skier/cyclist & tourism business owner
Deputy Chair
Katie Russell
Canberra Region Tourism Leaders Forum, CEO Australian Museum and Galleries Association
Vanessa Brettell
Proprietor, Café Stepping Stone - representing social enterprises
Karen Doran
CEO National Capital Authority
Michael Matthews
CEO Canberra Convention Bureau
Dot Barclay
President SKAL ACT and Proprietor Forest Inn Hotel & Apartments
Emma Shaw
Piquenique Wine representing Canberra District Wine Industry
Dash Rumble
Owner, Pilot and Such & Such - representing restaurant sector
Selina Walker
Ngunnawal Indigenous Leader
Naomi Dale
President, National Capital Attractions Association
Dr Brian Weir
Assistant Professor Tourism Program, Canberra Business School, University of Canberra
Michael Thomson
Head of Aviation, Canberra Airport
Stephen Wood
CEO National Convention Centre Canberra
Gary Stewart
General Manager The Canberra Centre
Greg Harford
CEO Canberra Business Chamber